Monday, February 17, 2014

Trick or Truth?

It’s really all about WHO you believe…

The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, understanding and LIFE...
Irreverence, disrespect, and disregard for the Lord is the beginning of folly, deception and death…
This is not a TRICK…it’s the TRUTH!

But the enemy of our souls continues to use one of the oldest tricks in the book to convince us that GOD is trying to trick US!
Eve fell for it -- hook, line and sinker --when he tossed her the bait: ”God doesn’t really mean what He says…You will surely not die!”

Are we really that gullible too?
The truth is…we are in danger of being gullible and falling for Satan’s trick ANY time we don’t believe that God REALLY means what He says!

Unbelief leads to gullibility….every. single. time.  It’s a perfect set up for Satan’s seduction.
The truth is…the smarter we think we are, the more gullible we actually are.  When we think we know better, it will actually get the better of us.

Satan has made a successful career out of preying on gullible people. He can smell pride and unbelief a mile away.  He is cunning, crafty and convincing…prowling around, working his “magic” to create an illusion, trying to trick us into believing something that is not really true.  Every time we fall for his trick, he gains mastery over our minds, convincing us that this illusion is real.
Can I just say…This makes me SO MAD...and so SAD?!!

I see it happening everywhere around me…to people I love dearly, to people I work people who are oblivious….blindly believing and falling for the oldest LIE in history: ”God doesn’t really mean what He says…You will surely not die.”
Once that’s settled in a person’s heart, Satan has a heyday...

The truth is...We have to KNOW THE TRUTH in order to RECOGNIZE THE TRICK!  Otherwise, we are gullible and fair game for Satan's strategy of deception.

The truth is…ANY TIME we try to justify our sin, our lifestyle, our apathy, or ANYTHING that is ungodly, we are in essence taking the bait: ”God doesn’t really mean what He says…at least not for me, not this time…there are always exceptions.” 

REALLY?! When and where exactly in the history of mankind has this EVER been the case?

These words are absolute truth yesterday, today and forever:
"What does the Lord your God require of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in ALL His ways, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul, and to obey the Lord's commands for your own GOOD...
These are not just idle words for you...they are your very LIFE!"   (Deut. 10:12-13; 32:47)

“The fear of the Lord is a FOUNTAIN OF LIFE, turning a man from the snares of death!”

G.O.O.D. = God Over Our Deception….God Over Our Death!


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