Saturday, July 6, 2013

What's so great about independence, anyway?

We hear it all the time..."I'm 18, I'm an adult and I want to be independent!"
If I had a dollar for every time I heard that from one of my "now adult" children, I would be a very rich woman!
How about..."I'm 19! I'm an adult and can make my own decisions. I hate your rules, quit treating me like a child! I can't wait to get outta here and be on my own! I want to be independent!"

Yes...I have heard that one too!

Can anyone relate?

Kids go through their teenage years with the mistaken notion that independence is the "be all end all." They buy into the lie that says being INDEPENDENT is to be free from dependence on anyone, not accountable, not subject to authority, and to be free to do what they choose.

Somehow, they believe that being free from dependence on AUTHORITY is true freedom!

Eve bought into that same lie...She thought God's rules were stupid, didn't make any sense, and that she knew better!  She wanted to be independent! She failed to realize that God's rules were the method He was using to bring about GOOD...that His rules were backed by principles that were there for her protection.

Independence that is NOT dependence on God is not independence at all; it's just dependence on another authority and his name is Satan.

The TRUTH is...
Independence born out of rebellion doesn't result in actually leads to bondage. 

Bondage that is disguised as independence is deadly.

The world's definition of INDEPENDENT  is "NOT DEPENDENT"....the prefix "IN" means "NOT", (as in words like insatiable, incoherent, inoperable, inconsistent...), 

Achieving NOT-dependence is somehow the path to freedom, to real "life". REALLY?

God's definition of INDEPENDENT is "IN DEPENDENT"...the prefix "IN" means "IN"!

Jesus says, "Remain IN me and I will remain IN you. No branch can bear fruit by itself, it must remain IN the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain IN me. I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains IN me and I IN him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do NOTHING! If anyone does not remain IN me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are thrown into a fire and burned. If you remain IN me and my words remain IN you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." (John 15:4--).

Am I NOT-Dependent or am I IN-dependent? Am I remaining IN the vine or am I a branch that is withering? A branch that is not attached to the vine, depending on the vine for its nourishment, for its very life, will eventually wither, stop bearing fruit and die!

So, what's so great about NOT-DEPENDENCE anyway?

Today we celebrate Independence Day...what started out hundreds of years ago as one nation UNDER God has become one nation APART from God! The United States has bought into the LIE: Independence is NOT-Dependence on God! Look at where it has gotten us...look at the fruit!!

Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing!"

This principle is true for a young adult who is striving for independence, just as it is for a nation striving to maintain its independence.  Choosing to be NOT-dependent, to NOT acknowledge God and His ways, to NOT fear the Lord...WILL alter the course of a person's life, just as it will alter the course of a NATION.

There's a lot of power in these 2 little words...NOT or IN?

G.O.O.D. > God Over Our Dependence


  1. Karen, this is such a clarion word. It's crystal clear, and I pray the Lord will help me hold on to the simplicity of what you've shared, as I have this sneaking suspicion I'll need to refer to this in the years forthcoming. :) May the Lord clarify to you the words you're to write on what is on His heart.

  2. Came to visit from Kathy's link.
